What is the Fourth Degree?
  During the first eighteen years of its existence, the Knights of Columbus had only the first three degrees representing Charity, Unity and Fraternity.  At the close of the century it was decided to establish a degree representing patriotism, one which would be more selective in its appeal than the traditional or basic degrees.  The new ritual was named the Fourth Degree and was first exemplified in New York on February 22nd, 1900.  Fourteen hundred members were chosen to witness this ceremony.  It was expected that they would recruit from their councils other Knights worthy of receiving the highest degree.  In the years that followed, the patriotic honor was exemplified in various cities and those who took it became a special group, or an assembly within their respective councils.

The primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to encourage active Catholic citizenship and foster the spirit of patriotism in members and the community at large.
The Junipero Serra Assembly, representing 4th Degree Knights of both Councils 1684 and 5300,  is part of the St. Junipero Serra Province.   The Province is made up of three Districts.   The Junipero Serra Assembly is within the Central District.

To visit the 4th Degree St. Junipero Serra Province Website, click here.

Qualifications to become a Fourth Degree member


  • Over 18 years of age
  • A citizen of the United States
  • A Third Degree member in 'good standing' with your local council.


Any Knight in 'good standing' is eligible for membership in the Fourth Degree.

There is no longer a waiting period to join the Fourth Degree.  

Fourth Degree members must retain their membership as Third Degree members with their council to remain in 'good standing'.  


Membership in the Fourth Degree is through an "Assembly".  If you meet all of the above qualifications, please contatct the Faithful Navigator of the Junipero Serra Assembly.  Your Grand Knight, District Deputy or the District Master can also assist you in making contact with the Assembly.


Dress Code for the Fourth Degree


The official dress for the Fourth Degree is black tuxedo, black bow tie, plain white pleated tuxedo shirt (NO wing tip shirts), black dress shoes, and cummerbund.  Members ONLY wearing tuxedos must wear the fourth degree lapel pin and social baldric.


  About the Color Corps....

The Color Corps members exemplify all the principles of our Order:

  •  Charity: by the gift of their time and energies necessary to practice, perfect and perform the ceremonials and sword drill;
  •  Unity: by the united efforts of Sir Knights to practice and perfect a coordinated drill for the good of the Church and the Order;
  •  Fraternity:  by expressing an 'Esprit de Corps,' sharing a common desire for drill excellence and camaraderie; and
  •  Patriotism: by performing precision drill as a salute to God and to country and visually exhibiting a love for both.

The public appearance of the Patriotic Degree Knights as a Color Corps at religious and civic functions is an important activity of each assembly. By these public demonstrations their loyalties bring credit to themselves and to the Knights of Columbus.

  Dress Code for the Color Corps

To order the Color Corps uniforms: Click here


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