Los Padres Chapter
& District 76

News & Events


Chris Arnoult
District Deputy’s Report
October 2018




Brothers of Councils 1684 & 5300:
Congratulations to your Councils for a successful recruitment of three new members in each of your Councils over the last several months. This is a great start for this Columbian Year, especially if your Council had few or no new members in the past Columbian Year. It is also a great start for a Star Council Award for this Columbian Year. And congratulations to the new Brothers who, by the time you read this, will have taken their Knighthood (3rd) Degree and are now full Knights in the Knights of Columbus.

Recruitment, which is essential for survival of the Council, has a big incentive from our Insurance Agent, Bro. George Majoue. He has offered to conduct recruitment drives for the Council(s) on a Sunday at any parish that the Council supports. Bro. George Majoue has spoken about this at Officers’ Meetings and Council Business meetings. Bro. George will do all the front man work … the pulpit announcements, the glad handing after mass, the talking to prospective Knights, and he will cover the cost of refreshments for the prospective Knights and their wives and families. What a deal! It still requires some work and planning, but I hope every Council will avail itself of Bro. George Mojoue’s offer. All the Council has to do is arrange the recruitment Sunday date with the
parish pastors.

Star Council Award.

As I mentioned above, your Councils are on roll toward this goal and it is possible to attain the goal. This is a synopsis of what is necessary:
• Receive the Father McGivney Award:
◇ Make your new membership quota for the year: 7% increase. See your Financial Secretary for the actual number of new Knights for your Council required.
• Receive the Founder’s Award:
◇ Make your insured member quota for the year: 2.5% increase.
◇ BTW our Insurance Agent, Bro. Majoue, has offered a $200.00 and $500.00 challenge prize for any Council that has all Officers & Directors as insured members.
• Receive the Columbian Award: Must submit form SP7 form by June 30.
◇ Submit in timely manner Survey of Fraternal Activity (Form 1728) and Service Personnel Report (Form 365).
◇ Councils must conduct and report at least four major programs in each of the Service Program categories: Community, Faith, Culture of Life & Family.
 Most Councils are already doing many of the activities required for the Service Program categories of the Columbian Award.
 So the level of effort may not be much of an increase over the current Council activities.
◇ See the KofC California State website for a good summary of all the requirements for Star Council. https://www.californiaknights.org/star-council/

Veterans’ Day Sunday November 11, 2018:
November 11 falls on Sunday this year, so the national holiday for will be observed on Monday November 12 in remembrance of Veterans of all wars. It’s good to take the time to remember veterans, living and deceased, for their service and sacrifice.

Yours in Christ,
Chris Arnoult
District Deputy 76 Los Padres Chapter